That "approval button" wasn't just for my book--it was for me too. To really stop and just appreciate myself, and my efforts and to approve of me, regardless of my imperfections.
Not many people know how I came about being able to finally sit down and write Looking for B.O.B. Every Day (that so many have pestered me to do for years, I might add). My life since October 9, 2015 has been in a chaotic flux, that was brought on by others...(cuz I certainly didn't ask for it, that's for damn sure)! I had some horrendous obstacles thrown at me, and I've had to learn how to dig deeper than I have ever had to do before in my adult life to climb over those obstacles. I'd be lying if I said it hasn't been rough.
So this girl geared up and got climbing. I'm no where near the peak of this climb, but I'm sure as hell a whole lot further away from the toxic hell I was trapped in by others, and am so thankful to be free. I welcome the challenge.
You sometimes hear about "When one door (or window) closes another opens." Well the door closed. And when it did, I helped nailed the S.O.B. shut. Then I turned to look for the open door, I didn't see one...but what I did see was a closed glass door. So I crashed that bastard down and walked through...oh yes I did, just to find this huge ole mountain I'm currently climbing. It's all uphill most days, but I am stronger for it. The incline can sometimes get pretty steep, but I got this! I see who's climbing with me, and I know who I can trust now, more than ever.
I'm grateful. Because during this time, I was able to pour myself into writing my book. Now when you think about this, I was struggling through an extremely dark time in my life that I kept extremely private. Yet, this book is humor. It pokes fun at every day stuff. When I look back down the mountain now, I am amazed at what I've done. I guess I'm pretty proud, especially considering the circumstances I was enduring while I was writing. I guess I had a lot of bull$#!+ to try to find the bright sides to! LOL!
I've learned a lot by writing Looking for B.O.B. Every Day. I've learned writing a book is a whole different than writing for publications. I've learned publishing a book as an Indie Author is even harder! I've also learned that I have a whole lot to learn about marketing a book. That's for frickin' sure!!!!
Most of all, I've learned I have a whole lot of friends out there who are supporting me, for better or worse, and rooting me on. YAY!!!! I have people sharing how proud they are that I actually published a book, and mention that I should be proud of that alone. I have had friends & family share that they love the stories I've written and they can't wait until the next book comes out! WOW!!!! I've had people share information about me to all their friends, with the kindest words I could ever imagine. DOUBLE WOW! And I learned that my son Ryan can write too, and he too can make you cry and he can make you smile--I did both, when I discovered he shared a link to buying Looking for B.O.B. Every Day, with all his friends. His words touched this mother's heart so much, that I am now willing to make him his favorite dinner every single night for the next year or two or three. (Of course he'll never know that unless he reads my, please, let's just keep this between us)! Thanks. ;)
With all that, please know I appreciate your support. My heart is so full of joy, and it's because of all of you who have been standing behind me. (I know you're waiting for me to say something funny here, right?) LOL!!! Thank you all so much!
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